After being drenched for several days in a row, the weather has finally relented and given us a sunny (but hot) day. Right now I'm relaxing at the computer with my shoes and socks off while listening to a mockingbird calling outside. Even our family’s cat seems to be in a lazy mood. At the moment, she is snoozing in a chair. However, I'm sure she's just "recharging" so she can make mischief tonight. ;)
You know, cats really are such interesting and complicated creatures. This is most likely why they are my favorite animals. They are just so much fun to be around! I've even had one specific cat that was like my best friend. I know it sounds cheesy but it's true!
There are however, a couple of very important rules that you must go by if you are interested in getting a cat.
The Rules:
1. You never actually own a cat. He/she just lives with you.
2. You are your cat's personal maid so you'd better get used to it. :)
Basically, if you're able to get over some of the quirks, weird behavior, and bad habits that cats have (Hey, nobody is perfect!), then they can make excellent friends!