Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Being me.

For those of you who don't know me very well, I'm a very emotional person. It doesn't take much at all to make me cry. There are many times when I wish I didn't have this trait, but would I replace my feeling with non-feeling? No, I wouldn't. It's part of who I am and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I've noticed over the years that being extremely emotional has its pros and cons. When you feel a lot, you are more likely to get hurt (as I’ve unfortunately learned time and time again). Others will say something mean about you and it will take a long time to heal the wound from it. On the other hand, being an extremely feeling person means that you love and care deeply.

You might say you’ve never seen me get overly emotional. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve tried to hide it for fear that others will see that in me and try to hurt me. But it’s still there, and it doesn’t take much for someone to find it.

If you look at the internet (especially Facebook), there is a LOT of badmouthing and backstabbing that goes on. Before you choose to write something rude or mean about someone else, why don’t you just take a minute to think about how that might totally effect their day. You never know if they might be having a rough day as it is and that one thing you said was the stone that caused an avalanche of emotions. I have been hurt many, many times by an insensitive remark made about me on what is supposed to be a “social networking site”. I’m not saying you don’t have the right to say what you want, because you DO. We all do. However, I think the world would be a nicer place if people would just think for a minute before saying something that could hurt someone else. Being human, I don’t always abide by this, but I strive to because I know it will make me a better person. Why live your life hurting others? Our time on this earth is too short to waste doing that…

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” ~Dale Carnegie

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer days...

First off, I apologize for not writing anything on my blog since March. I've had a pretty busy summer and honestly haven't thought about my blog in a while. I hope that all my followers have found other things to do in the meantime and haven't just been waiting for me to post something. ;)

Around the first of May, I decided I would audition for Starkville Community Theatre's summer musical revue. I had worked in the sound booth during the 2009 summer show and had done some other things with the theatre as well but I'd never actually been ON SCT's stage. The auditions went well but there were so many other very talented people who also auditioned that I didn't expect I'd get in. Thankfully I was wrong and was offered a role! :) I was BEYOND just "excited" about it. ;)

Rehearsals started and I had the most fun I've had in a while. Of course, it was a lot of work but it all paid off in the end. We had 7 performances (which is quite a few more than I'm used to) and it made me feel like a pro. ;) I now have a better idea of what a Broadway performer's schedule is like.

Being in the show definitely rekindled my love for theatre. I had forgotten how much I love it and how it is such a big part of who I am... :) Can't wait to audition for another show!

Friday, March 4, 2011


*Splish* *Splash* *Splish*

There is something so soothing about the sound of rain pattering against a window. Listening... my mind starts to wander--getting lost in a trance. All my worries, pains, and fears begin to disappear. Calmness sweeps over my body like taking a deep breath of fresh air. My eyelids flutter once and start to droop. Suddenly, I'm startled as the family cat jumps clear across me and gracefully leaps onto the windowsill. Her nose twitches--eyes as big as saucers. She appears to be in a trance as she watches the rain pattering down against my window...

*Splish* *Splash* *Splish*